I'm a helpful volunteer at school, I finish my freelance assignment with confidence, I've exercised and prepared a healthy meal for dinner.
Look—a beam of light is shining upon my brow, crowning me for a day well done!
Some days feel defeated when the day has just begun:
Why do I obsess over small things and keep fussing at the kid?
What happened to my attempt at being more laid back?
Why do I want an entire box of Cheez-Its and Diet Coke to be my lunch?
Most days fall somewhere in between:
some failures; some victories; lots of learning along the way.
When I focus on futile attempts at perfection, I'll only remember the defeated days. Or I'll discount the victories that happened on those in between days.
But beauty can be found in each day when I look for it.
Beauty can be found in me too.
Those scuffs and scratches and bent edges of me testify to the wisdom I've gained in trial and error. And today is no different. I've already experienced parental regret in one hour but found confidence in facing a scary task the next—and it's not even noon yet!
So here's to facing today's trial and error, successes and defeats.
And finding the grace to try again tomorrow.