Steve and I found out this week that we've lost our baby. He wrote a well-worded post about it, so please read his blog if you have time. Click here.
Not much to say except a huge THANKS to everyone for praying, because I know you are/will be/have been praying. Thanks for being there, even when you don't know what to say. I know how that feels. I've had dear friends and loved ones experience this same thing, and I didn't know what to say to them either. But they've been so encouraging to me this week to share their experiences to give me strength.
And for those of you who give hugs and notes to say "I'm here, I'm praying," that means the world. It's not what you say, it's us just knowing you are with us.
God's giving us strength, HUGE strength, right now. The sweetest moment was when Steve sat Kaelyn down yesterday to say, "The baby in Mommy's belly isn't there anymore. It went to heaven to be with God and Jesus." Kaelyn was trying to take this in. She was mainly excited to hear that the baby got to go be with God and Jesus. She is always talking about when we'll get to meet them so "Maybe God and Jesus will talk to me." It's hard for her to know that we talk to God and Jesus, but we don't get to hear their replies. (Don't we all feel this way?!) I reassured her that we'd get to go to heaven some day and God and Jesus would talk to her, and we'd meet the baby there. She smiled.
And that's a peace only God can give.