Just one more post about The Office . . .
And then I promise that's it for a while! :)

I've been questioning my sanity a little about my fondness for The Office. It probably started with Steve mocking me on his blog! But then I just HAD to watch the premiere episode again last night because I thought I perhaps had missed a few things while laughing and conversing with friends during Thursday night's viewing. Previously I had requested Office merchandise for my birthday and had purchased a few things at the Target dollar section that had Office quotes and pictures on them.

And I do check out a blog where fellow fans commune and discuss the show -- hey! I'm making new friends, that's all. And I happen to catch up with some details of things I missed in the show and find out extra tidbits such as when they post deleted scenes at NBC.com. (It does prove there are more obsessive fans than me. They notice way more than I do!)

But I'm starting to wonder if maybe I do need a support group after all!

Truly my love of the show and appreciation for its well-crafted characters and hilarious dialogue just goes along with my nature as an editor and writer -- I appreciate good storytelling! Am I right, people? I only neglect my daughter a couple hours a week in order to keep up with this new hobby! :)

Then today a thought occurred: Steve is really into fantasy baseball AND fantasy football. Enough said. I feel fine about myself now! :)
Kelly Comments
My Year of Joy!

I was talking to my friend Robin a few weeks ago as she was ready to take an amazing leap of faith on a new life adventure. In our conversation, she asked how I was doing. And I told her, "You know, I've been realizing lately how wonderful I am!" I just can't help it. I know that people around me are experiencing some painful experiences right now. And my heart and prayers are with them. However I continue to see is how blessed I am. I told Robin that 2007 has been my year of joy! If you'd like to share my joy, read on!

At the beginning of this year, there was some question at work as to whether they were going to continue the work at home policy as is or revise it some. We never heard anything. Every day since I have tried to remember to appreciate the huge blessing I have in getting to work from home. I get to spend all day with Kaelyn and Steve while still getting to use my skills as an editor. I think the apprehension on my status has made sure I don't take this set-up for granted!

I found that Cincinnati became home pretty quickly. Sorry, Lexington. I will always be proud to be from Kentucky and will never change my UK basketball loyalty. But I do love Cincinnati. I'll admit I was nervous to move to town, away from suburban life. Yet lately I've noticed how at home I am here and how much I love where we live. Our backyard is beautiful Eden Park. You can't beat it! We have amazing walks with terrific views. Please come visit, and I'll give you a tour!

On Sunday we celebrated two years of Echo Church. It's such a cool experience for me to be so excited about church every week. I look around at all the new brothers and sisters in Christ I've gotten to know from our time together, and I see others I've grown closer to, and I smile! I love witnessing God use Steve each week as a preacher and a pastor.

I've already mentioned Echo friends. Others have relocated, yet I am glad to know that I can vacation in Iowa, Texas, Florida, Michigan, Indiana, or London, England because people I care for dearly live there! Glad for email and blogs and Facebook to keep in touch! I've had some fun times and great conversations with my locals too :) those who've been by my side for years. You keep me sane, people!

There's been fun birthday parties on the Carr side that have brought us all together a lot this summer, and I've been so thankful! I had an awesome time on vacation with my parents and aunts. And I was humbled by the love my family showed on my birthday, from my in-laws and grandparents making the drive to my parents creatively giving me 30 gifts to open!

Family—close up!
I cannot tell Kaelyn and Steve enough how much they mean to me. I never knew that toddlerhood could be so fun! Kaelyn cracks us up on a daily basis. She is learning so quickly, with her vocabulary expanding each hour if we'd try! She loves exploring, and it's fascinating to watch her fascinated at every little thing. She loves people, and people love her! She's trying to become so independent, yet she is so attached and loving with her hugs and kisses. And Steve. I just can't say enough. You are truly amazing, babe. I say that with all sincerity! You amaze me with your skills and talents and steadfast love for God, Kaelyn, and me!

So those are just a few things I've got going for me! Enough to make anyone smile! :)
Kelly Comments
Detention Center
A week ago (last Thursday) I was able to join in on ministry taking place at the juvenile detention center in Hamilton, Ohio. My coworker, Valaira, and members of her church regularly visit and share God's Word with girls who are there. It was quite the experience to see Valaira's compassion being enacted in her words and actions. She is being used by God!

After having some conversations with Valaira over the past several months, I told her that I'd love to visit with her and encourage these girls and their abilities that will help them once they leave. To do so, I wanted to invite them to contribute their stories and talents to ENCOUNTER--The Magazine. So Valaira asked if I would like to give the devotions as well as talk about the contributing opportunity.

For once, I wasn't nervous. That's rare for me, especially going into an intimidating situation facing teenagers -- always a tough audience, but this one sounded even tougher! Yet I was confident in what God wanted me to say. One night it just hit me what I wanted to share with them. (God does that out of the blue most times!!) I focused on this Scripture:

Praise the Lord, who is my rock.
He trains my hands for war
and gives my fingers skill for battle.
He is my loving ally and my fortress,
my tower of safety, my rescuer.
He is my shield, and I take refuge in him.
(Psalm 144:1-2, New Living Translation)

I talked about David's background and how he had second chances for the mistakes he made. Then I told them to look at his psalm: God had given David the training and skills he needed to fight the battles he faced. We talked about physical and mental and emotional and spiritual battles they face now and would face when they leave. I told them to recognize the talents God gave them that He would use in their lives to help them battle temptation, negativity, etc. And to remember that He has a purpose for giving them those skills.

There was more said. God brought it along. But the neat thing was that I didn't want to rely on my notes -- and usually I have to unless I memorize something. I wanted to be able to look them in the eyes so they could see the sincerity as I spoke. And God allowed me to remember what to say and brought new things to add as I spoke. (Steve has told me he has these experiences each week as he preaches. I got a taste!) And I expected the girls to put up a wall. But they started breaking down -- literally! They shared heartaches and we all shed tears. Wow. There were some harsh experiences they've faced. But there was hope for the future.

God showed up in that place. I witnessed it firsthand. And I was amazed at His power. No matter how many stories you hear of God, when you see Him active and moving (or when you stop and recognize that the things happening around you are God active and moving!), it brings awe. And it was pretty neat to be there and feel used as a tiny portion of His grand scheme of things.
Kelly Comment